Dienstag, 9. Juni 2015


I'll tell you a story.
Today I had a day off from university.
I visited the nearest bookstore and looked for the next part of The Dark Tower, which would have been Song of Susannah.
Sadly it was not there. The Saleslady offered me to order it, but I did not want, because buying books is a ritual.
I bought something else instead.
"Rivers of London" - by Ben Aaronovitch and
"The Long Earth" - by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter
Great books as far as I can say.
But now the great part:
I left for the train station and risked a look in that magazine/tobaco/book shop I've mentioned earlier.
I just looked at the magazines for fun and after a while, I decided to leave.
A last hasty glance made me shiver.
There it was.
Song of Susannah. Left alone but strong in it's appearance. (Yeah, this is kind of an exaggerated description, pardon)
The strange thing is: It was the only book of the Dark Tower series there, I guess even the only one written by Stephen King himself.
And it was just the book I've been searching for.
But it gets even better!
I had to visit the townhall afterwards, because of "business".
The consultand looked at my personal data and mentioned that I was born on 24.12. - christmas eve.
She said: "Oh, an extraordinary date of birth! (It is not. The only extraordinary date of birth is 29th feburary - every other is 1/365)
I'm born a few days earlier!"
And then I asked: "On the 19th?"
Of course it was the 19th.
She asked me how I knew and I told her about King.
The rest of the conversation is not interesting, we talked about other books and she said she would look up The Dark Tower on the Internet.
But at the beginning it was nineteen.
Of course this is pure coincidence. But it's a nice one ;)
So that's my story for today. If you believe in such things (in nineteen), it's a nice one.
If you do not, then this might be the dumbest thing you've ever heard, but that's okay.
Have a nice week!
Long Days and Pleasant Nights!

Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2015

Mad Max Fury Road - Review

Greetings and Moin! I'm back from the cinema and intending to tell you something about
Mad Max Fury Road.
First of all: There will be no spoilers of the story, because there is none.
I did not watch the prequels with Mel Gibson.
Buuuuuut I like post apocalyptic scenarios so I gave it a try. And see there: It was the biggest disappointment since.... I don't know? Since this one german exam, where I hoped for an A and got a C, while my friend C.(shortcut because of private policy, you know) - who wasn't good at german (he was really shitty to be honest) - got an A and laughed at me, because german was the only thing where I was better than him and he beat me.
But back to Mad Max Fury Road.
The main character - Max - does not say even one sentence with more than five words. Most of the time it leaves it with "hrmpf." "Grm." "Brr."
They could at least have given him something with the chance to be funny. Like: "I'm gonna crush your head, you sucker!"
I guess they intended to make him the bad guy with no emotion. But they made him the stupid guy with no brain cells.
And the stupid guy with no brain cells is accompanied by the clever girl with no arm.
You see where this leads. I did not like the movie. It goes in the same direction as other movies these days: More cuts, faster cuts, more action, explosions, stunts, gore, fire, extraordinary violence.
Boring. Simply boring.
The most interesting part in Mad Max Fury Road is the journey through the swamp with these human-crow-swamp-things.
I will tell you how long this scene was.
Four seconds.
You want to know more about the life that evolved after the apocalypse. You want to know whats behind the salt dessert. But you'll never know what's out there.
The only thing you get to know is: "Hrmpf. Grm. Brr."
And the whole plot of the movie is boring as a zebra.
It was just uninspired, unsatisfying.
You will probably say: "What did you expect? It is Mad Max!"
Yeah it is. But what is it good for? It's fast, with a lot of action. Great camera work, great pictures of course. Crazy scenery and all that stuff. But with all this technical skill and knowledge. Why wasn't there at least a spark of inspiration? At least something...
I left the cinema and thought: "I've watched this movie ten years ago... Waterworld! This is like the inverted Waterworld!"
And that makes me sad...
I'm sure there will be movies, other movies in a few yeras. When everyone is tired of this pure action nonsense movies. I know there has to be more. There will be more!
Until then: I will tell you some stories on this blog, hoping that you will like at least one of them.
See you next time.
Long days and pleasant nights!

Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2015

Finally - Fallout 4

Everyday I log into Facebook, take a look at what happened and log out. Most of the time I'm mourning about these stupid funpages that tell you to like there stupid post and comment it with something even more stupid. Honestly I hate this whole machinery.
But yesterday came. Yesterday left.
But yesterday left me with a smile on my face and euphoria running through my body. I started my mobile phone and sent an SMS to my best post-nuclear-wasteland-companion Alex, with whom I share lots of Fallout Stories.
And today Fallout 4 will finally be announced as all of us hoped for the past 5 years! ^_^
That's it for now. I will share more emotion after more information about the project!
Long days and pleasant nights!