Dienstag, 26. Mai 2015

The Martian - Andy Weir - Review

I finished The Martian and I guess this will be kind of a review...
First of all: I really enjoyed reading it. I've already said that it's like the book I've been waiting for.
Where should I begin?
The scenario is clever, simple but fascinating at the same time. Everyone wants to know what is happening in outer space, what a man alone can do when he faces death everyday again! But it's never pathetic. While reading through the lines of this book you will never even think about ditrusting the narrator or Mark Whatney. Every bit they tell you is true. You won't question it and that is truely awesome. No man has ever set foot on martian surface, but this book tells you what happens if someone does. It's classified as science-fiction, but in some moments you believe it to be science.
(Or at least I do it. I'm not that into rockets or space-science or aeronautical-whatever but it seems realistic to me.)
The protagonist Mark Whatney is a true hero and a nice guy. I really liked him and his logs (The story is partly presented as logs written on his computer) and was thrilled by everything he did, the author did, the book did. I don't remeber watching forward to an end like I did while reading The Martian. I loved his plans, his ressource management, I hoped the best for him after every setback.
And of course: I laughed hard at some points, because the books never loses humor.
Not everything about this book is super-duper, though. It's clear for me that someone in the position of Mark Whatney would react in a different way. Maybe there are logs about his family or friends or his feelings and weren't published or something (just to invent a story justifying this), but through hundreds of days on Mars he never feels lonely or thinks about his family or much else. There are parts where he mentioned it, but it's always in a "haha-funny" way. As if 400 days on Mars would make you a funny person... This was absurd, but honestly: It doesn't matter. The book just does not want to focuse this and that is okay.
I enjoyed it and nothing else matters! (Your turn, Kirk!)
The Martian was written and published by Andy Weir. He offered it to publishing houses, but none of them was interested, so he did what a man who has written a science-fiction-masterpiece had to do and published it on his own website - for free.
Then he made a kindle edition after fans asked him to do so. For the price of 99 cents.
Then he sold 35.000 copies of this book. The book no one wanted to publish. And after that the readers of the publishing houses may have thought something like: "Hey...erm... yeah, well... this seems to be the novel I've read... and didn't think of as good enough... erm... yeah... it sold 35.000 copies. DAMN!"
Yeah, that's it about the Martian for now. I'll go on with The Dark Tower now!
(Did I mention that Borussia Mönchengladbach will play in the UEFA Championsleague next Season?)
Long days and pleasant nights!

Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2015

Like The Martian - I'm not dead

This is a short update to tell everyone who is reading this Blog (which can't be many people at the moment, but to everyone, who does: You're quite cool) that I am not dead. And this Blog still exists, but I'm studying and have other stuff to do and not enough cool stories to tell at the moment.
I bought Pillars of Eternity ;)
I bought Divinity: Original Sin ;)
I bought Wasteland 2 ;)
I'm playing them at the moment and will tell you more when I'm done.
Don't expect me to play Witcher 3. You will hear something about it from me in about two years. xD
More important: I'm reading The Dark Tower part 5 at the Moment and it's the best book series ever existed. Read it. No matter what.
And now: A Story!
I left University today. The bus was headed to the train, which takes me home. I was a bit early (36 minutes) so I went to the bookstore at the station. I had to. I guess I'm addicted.
I looked through the books and magazines and spotted "The Martian" by Andy Weir. I heard of it before but told myself: "They said it's good. If you open it, you will buy it. Don't open it!"
So I did not. I looked after football magazines, other novels and some other stuff. But time was frozen. I had to wait for my train, I needed something to kill time. So I took the risk.
The easiest way to lose 15 bucks. Of course I bought it. I had to. I guess I'm addicted.
The book is awesome so far. It feels like one of those books you've waited for.
And, yeah, well:
BORUSSIA MÖNCHENGLADBACH is qualified for the UEFA CHAMPIONSLEAGUE season 2015/2016!
Everyone is shining brighter than the sun right now! :D
Another great story ;)
See you again!